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Professional Food Manager Certificate

Earn your Professional Food Manager Certification

We offer many resources to help you become a Certified Professional Food Manager. The classroom course, textbook, or online course prepares people working in the food and beverage industries with the knowledge needed to pass the ANSI/CFP exam. These materials contain the best advice from health inspectors and the 2017 FDA Food Code for keeping food safe.

  • Professional Food Manager textbook | and
  • Professional Food Manager Course | or

Certification Exam

Take the exam to become certified as a Professional Food Manager:

  • Remotely for $80.00 through
  • By purchasing the Professional Food Manager online self-study course and find a testing center on the

Teach the Professional Food Manager Course

Our training resources are available for purchase for instructors teaching the Professional Food Manager course.

  • Professional Food Manager Online Course
  • Professional Food Manager Book
  • Professional Food Manager Practice Exam
  • Professional Food Manager Trainer Resource pack
  • Professional Food Manager PowerPoint Presentation